Lands End Wiki

This is a brief list of the more obvious quests available.

Remember, there's much more out in the wilds than is listed here. Just setting the goal of exploring an area can turn up new and unanticipated adventures. The adventure is in your hands!

  • Kill Jason at Camp Crystal Linae.
  • Someone is giving powers to the orphans of Nevermore.
  • The Cracked Cask's owner has been killed and as such has shut down. Possible business opportunity.
  • Red is missing a shipment of ale. If returned the party will be compensated handsomely. If information is brought back as to what happened to the shipment a reward of 25 gold was promised.
  • Wilfa offered 2 free healing potions and a bandoleer to Jakki and Larry if they could bring back as many firefly flowers and ghost mushrooms they could.